Insurance Executive Recruiters & Psychometric & “Profile” Tests – Are they worth it?
Nearly every week a company president or hiring executive asks us if we use any form of psychological or psychometric “evaluation test”.
Recruiter News
Nearly every week a company president or hiring executive asks us if we use any form of psychological or psychometric “evaluation test”.
Beginning February 2011 IRES, Inc. will make periodic appearances in Rough Notes Magazine.
IRES, Inc. began providing retained insurance executive recruiting services in January 1991. As a company which evolved to become specialized as insurance recruiters, we are proud to be standing strong beside you and your team 20 years later this January 2011.
Just posted on the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce News page click here to visit the Chamber post :
New Book “A Manager’s Guide to Maximizing Search Firm Success” Released |
Published Monday, November 22, 2010 7:00 am |
Charlotte, NC, November 2010: Many first time managers promoted to the task of recruiting and hiring are given very little to go on by their own senior management. Frank G. Risalvato’s new book, A Manager’s Guide to Maximizing Search Firm Success is here to help guide managers. What began as a pamphlet that was sent to newly minted managers has grown into a 96 page book kept short intentionally so as to get to the point quickly for busy managers.
Maximizing Search Firm Success is helpful for senior level executives that were working under beliefs that had become obsolete or holding antiquated and pre-conceived notions. Every company department manager, small business owner, or board of director or senior executive – whether a novice or highly experienced – can now have the inside scoop on gaining an advantage when dealing with recruiting firms like no one has ever provided before. (more…)
A Manager’s Guide to Maximizing Search Firm Success
This is a must read for hiring managers whether you have used search firms in the past or this is your first time.
* What Preferred Vendor Lists Are
* The Top 10 Causes of Search Firm Failure
* How to Select a Search Firm or Executive Recruiter
* Why a Contingency Search Agreement can backfire
* How to avoid Millions of Dollars of Revenue Losses
* Why Preferred Vendor Lists can be anything but
Planning on HIRING SOON…Call Frank to find out how to get your copy…
Have you read the book? Give your feedback on LinkedIn
STARTING TODAY – Sept 1st, 2010 – IRES is sponsoring every single news article on through the end of the year!
SEE our link BELOW every article!
Charlotte, NC March 23, 2010 — Frank G. Risalvato and IRES along with its insurance recruiters and insurance executive recruiting divisions were informed the subject of their nineteen year success track record in staffing and recruiting will be the case study subject of a new, upcoming book by Atlantic Publishing. The book title will be “How to own and operate a financially successful Recruiting Firm” *More on this when the book is released.
Since founded in 1991, Inter-Regional Executive Search (now known as IRES) has led the way with being active in local, state, and federal civic and business-related functions and endeavors. From when Frank Risalvato was appointed to the New Jersey State Employer Advisory Committee in 1996, a role which he kept for nearly 6 years following his appointment … to working with the local symphony and junior symphony charitable events … IRES has always participated in organizations that made use of our skills and commitment.
IRES consultants have held roles on corporate boards of directors, boards of post-secondary educational institutions, specialty schools, and have appeared and spoken and given presentations at high schools, colleges, government committees, charitable events, chambers of commerce in multiple states to name but a few.
If you or your organization seeks a speaker, presenter, or wishes to interview, quote or obtain any other service from tenured executive recruiters with a community commitment simply contact us at any of our locations or telephone numbers listed on this site.
The Ladders published December 8, 2009 By Karl Rozemeyer
The phone interview is still more common, but some companies prefer the video-conference interview as a way to size up the candidate visually before going to the expense of setting up an in-person interview, said Frank Risalvato, founder of the recruiting firm IRES Inc. For certain jobs where the candidate might be required to meet with customers, clients or members of the public, HR can use the Webcam to gauge the candidate’s presentation skills, he said. “I have got companies that specifically request that if a candidate does not have a Webcam on their laptop to go out and buy one, and they will happily reimburse you the $19,” he said.
For a successful Webcam interview, here’s how to present your self in the best possible light.
Read the rest of the article at:
Whether you are interviewing for a senior or staff professional role, such as an auditor, accountant, actuary, network engineer, field marketing representative … or an executive position … ranging from director to vice president or higher …. webcam conferencing is something you should practice familiarizing yourself early in your search so you are comfortable when asked during the interview process.
To read the rest of the press release CLICK HERE
In the ultra-competitive world of management recruiting it is critical to successfully position your firm as a prospect’s best possible choice. For more than twenty years Frank Risalvato has used a number of tools to help get his message across, but none more effectively or faster than SmartDraw.
Inter Regional Executive Search (IRES, Inc.) has brought management level executives and employers together since 1991. Whether a corporation in New York looks to hire a CEO for their London operation, or an Anchorage engineering firm seeks top marketing executives for a new product line, Frank Risalvato and his team make profitable connections that often last for decades.
To read the rest of the press release CLICK HERE