Recruitment Terms of Engagement
IRES protects clients interests by beginning each search on a solid, firm, principled foundation that minimizes conflict while allowing sufficient incentive to professionally focus on each search so as to see it through to completion within the anticipated time frame.
There is no such thing as one size-fits-all ‘standard fee’. Each search presents unique challenges and requires a unique approach. You should disqualify any recruiting firm that has “only one fee” and refuses to take your unique situation into consideration.
Retained Executive Search
Retained search is used for recruiting of positions ranging from C-level down through executive, senior vice president, and vice president. These represent top-tier mission-critical roles within most organizations deserving of full attention during the span of the recruiting process. Our retained search agreement will be made available for your review and approval and meets global industry guidelines and practices. All retained searches include:
- Semi-weekly updates
- Complete ‘Candidate Roster” spreadsheet detailing the talent pool identified and contract results
- A ‘Search Report” booklet outlining the entire process undertaken that led to candidate finalists.
Our process encourages an inclusive approach where your lead human resource officer, decision-making managers, and IRES work as a team for the duration of the project.
Contact us for more information on our retained executive search suite of services.
Retained ‘Lite” or Hybrid
This is our most popular terms of recruiting engagement. This modified retainer more closely emulates contingency while requiring a smaller engagement cost upfront. In return clients recognize savings over pure contingency, similar to obtaining a lower rate mortgage in return for paying a point or so upfront.
Email us to receive a copy of our engagement terms (shared only with qualified client prospects).
Contingency – Insurance Recruiters
IRES offers contingency search only to existing or recent Clients with a past track record with IRES. We are not a contingency staffing recruiting firm.
Click Here to receive a copy of our Recruiting Brochure.