Little Known Facts About:
Scheduling Human Resource Phone Screens
Fact #1
Most Internal HR recruiters or talent acquisition specialists are severely stretched even on a good day
Fact #2
Corporate recruiters often condense their telephone screens into blocks of time so as to not scatter them through the week. This often means your interview is being condensed into a day where several others are taking place
Fact #3
A typical corporate HR individual can have as many as 25 or more phone screens set up in one day. At 15 minutes each, this represents 12 phone screens in a single morning or afternoon.
Fact #4
If you schedule your HR phone screen later in the day, such as after lunch, you are likely to encounter a weary individual who has heard the same responses you are about to give over a dozen times.
Always strive to schedule your HR phone screen as early as possible or first thing in the morning.
Ask “what is the earliest availability you have in the morning?” That’s when you want to set up your phone screen. This way you will catch HR at their freshest and most attentive. By noon or later, you might find yourself talking to an HR representative who has already held a dozen or more pre-screens and your interview will struggle to stand out.